What is Family Office Business?
Family office Business is a private organization that advises on wealth management. They are very different from traditional wealth management organizations. They give reliable solutions and advice to families and individuals on investment and wealth management.
Top Family Offices Business
- 1888 Management
- Cascade Investment
- Soros Family Income
- MSD Capital
- Vulcan Inc
- Verlinvest
- Light Chain
- Willet Advisors
- Bregal Holdings
- Sunrise Capital Management
FOAHK stands for Family Office Association Hong Kong. It is a family association independent of government and other private organizations. It was established in 2008, and since then, FOAHK has made its organization a brand in Hong Kong and worldwide. It is a non-profit organization whose function is to connect family offices with the government, political parties, industries, etc., in Hong Kong. They continuously try to make Hong Kong a hub of family business. FOAHK is considered the voice of the family business in Hong Kong.
FOAHK Main Aim
- Set up communication between members of the family business and government and professional parties.
- Bost interests in family offices
- Maintain industry standards
- Provide professional training to family offices
The family office services is a private organization that advises on wealth management. They give reliable solutions and advice to families and individuals on investment and wealth management. FOAHK stands for Family Office Association Hong Kong. It is considered the voice of the family business in Hong Kong. It is a family association independent of government and other private organizations.